
What is Sober Living? Los Angeles, CA

House managers make sure residents follow the rules and get the outside treatment they need. “They have grown up in a time of greater transparency about mental health issues and substance abuse, and they seem more willing to question societal norms,” Driscoll told Newsweek. “The rise of social media has given them a platform to share their experiences and find communities that support their choices, including those who choose to date sober.”

new life sober living

What Sets Sober Living in Torrance Apart

We believe that for your loved one to successfully recover, the process should be a partnership. Our family program structure is built to provide support, guidance, and education every step of the way. We also involve community healing by connecting families within the home to create a network of support and accountability. Our 12-Step Social Program for recovery from substance abuse includes therapy, peer support and medication management for you to recover safely. Our structured sobriety programs, compassionate staff, supportive community and decades of experience support young men and their families at every step on their path to recovery. When people are trying to break the cycle of drugs and crime, they require a certain level of structure and supervision.

Develop a Structured Schedule

From academics to recreation, the men in New Life House can build rich, full lives with improved mental health, free from substance abuse. Strictly speaking, sobriety is the state of being sober—not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, the word is often used in different ways in different contexts.

new life sober living

Recovery Starts Here

Nevertheless, many families will prefer their sons start with us as they begin their mental health and recovery journey. This is due to our high degree of support, programming, structure, and wrap-around clinical care. Since its inception, Gambit Recovery has opened sober living houses across four states, with plans to expand further throughout the United States. This rapid growth is a testament to the effectiveness of its structured housing model, which offers more than just a roof over one’s head.

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New Life House East

  • Remember to care for yourself, seek supportive relationships, and consider seeking help from a therapist.
  • This formal treatment is helpful, as addressing mental health is our key focus.
  • Additionally, a healthy enrollment of about 25,000 students at El Camino College enjoys higher education in a year-round sunny climate.
  • Our houses provide a safe, caring, supportive, and structured environment with educational and career opportunities for our residents.
  • Depending on the severity of the addiction or substance being used, a medically supervised detox may be necessary to safely help you.

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